
The environment

Basic approach

We are committed to adhering to the following policy and will engage in business activities with the aim of undergoing sustainable growth.
Basic philosophy on the environment: We will contribute to society and the environment with our products and production capabilities. Products and the environment We pursue environmental technologies that contribute to a sustainable society. Production and the environment We engage in manufacturing that is in a state of harmony with the environment. Coexistence with nature We collaborate and cooperate with society.

Company-wide environmental targets

Our company has set a policy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035. To reach this goal, we have established target values for 2024 and are actively working on improvement initiatives.
Waste reduction Water consumption reduction CO2 reduction Preventing irregularities and complaints
FY2024 Targets Emission intensity Domestic consolidated:1.81t/million Non-consolidated:1.87t/million Emission intensity Domestic consolidated:615㎥/million pc Non-consolidated:595㎥/million pc Total discharge volume Consolidated:66,765t/year Non-consolidated:42,005t/year 0 irregularities/complaints

System for the promotion of the production environment

"Our company has strengthened its internal systems to enhance their effectiveness in order to aim for sustainable development and realize our fundamental environmental principles. In particular, to reinforce activities toward carbon neutrality, we have newly established the CN (Carbon Neutral) Committee directly under the company-wide Environmental Council and are actively engaged in 'reducing' and 'changing' activities."
Council of Environmental Functions... [New] Carbon Neutral Committee(Promotes reductions in CO2 emissions through Products and Production) Products & Environmental Committee(Selects materials with a low environmental impact) Production & Environment Committee(Reduces the environmental Impact in production processes)

Coexistence with nature

At the Taiho Group, we are committed to promoting environmental conservation and ensuring biodiversity, aiming to build a sustainable society where people and nature can coexist harmoniously.
Concept of Nature Coexistence Activities... Nature coexistence activities focused on the surrounding areas of business sites . Nature coexistence activities through participation in external activities.

Initiatives for the attainment of carbon neutrality

In order to realize a sustainable society, we have sought to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and enacted a policy with the aim of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (Scope 1 or 2*) from our domestic plants effectively to zero by 2035. We will promote initiatives for the attainment of carbon neutrality that are centered around reduction activities and transformational activities.
Reduce Through these activities, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% (compared to 2013). Daily Improvement Improve productivity and shorten energy use time by thoroughly reducing waste. Technology Innovation Through the development and introduction of innovative production technologies, reduce processes and minimize heat sources, improve heat loss, and reduce energy peaks. Change Through these activities, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% (compared to 2013). Use of renewable energy sources. Reduce Through these activities, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% (compared to 2013). Daily Improvement Improve productivity and shorten energy use time by thoroughly reducing waste. Technology Innovation Through the development and introduction of innovative production technologies, reduce processes and minimize heat sources, improve heat loss, and reduce energy peaks. Change Through these activities, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% (compared to 2013). Use of renewable energy sources.

Scope1:Direct emissions from in-house fuel use, Scope2:indirect emissions from in-house purchased electricity, etc.